Lots of evergreens...plus a skating ring..
A church, chair lift and a hotel...

This was the last part, a big Christmas Tree...
I enjoy stitching this winter scenery. Currently waiting for the special button that Sara had designed for this Sal. It will be placed next to that fence in the above picture. Sara is having another SAL starting next month, be sure to register if you enjoy Sara's designs.
Currently I am picking up Sara's Summer, which I put aside while doing this Sal. Will post an updated picture soon!
I also have been working on my Hal Bambu. Ticoeur is hosting this Hal on her French Forum. Here is my progress...
A closer look... I enjoy Hardanger as much as cross stitch!
Here are some smalls done in between the big projects. Some wooden key rings, these are freebies from UK cross stitch magazines.
Another small from Japanese magazine Idees 17. This was gifted to my friend to be made into a triangular scissors case. Will post a picture in my next update.
I participated in the last HoE ornament exchange after a long break. This Round was stitcher's choice and I stitched LHN's Snowy Pines for Becky, my partner.
In return, I received a beautiful ornament from Karen. She stitched for me a Santa from PS. It is a pinkeep style ornament, I love it! Thank you Karen!
I love stitching smalls, you get so many finishes ha ha!
Will update my other projects soon..Thank you for your visits and comments, they are greatly appreciated!
Happy Stitching!